Valkyrie, obviously, is going to be a hard goal to achieve. It’s a new team, after all; no resources to begin with, no supplies, no predetermined modus operandi. We do have the advantage of experience in FIRST via our time in MVRT; still, there is a lot to be done. Probably the most-discussed one of these is that of the team’s finances, and for good reason. Without money we really can’t do anything, and there is no real substitute to speak of– noone’s giving away scrollsaws, after all. Things, however, are actually going pretty well here! Assuming we have thirty people come through from MVRT and a reltatively small (depending on where we end up being able to recruit from) recruitment of ten rookies, with a tentative membership fee of 195$, we’ll be getting just short of 8000 dollars from membership fees alone. This isn’t as much as it sounds, however; the registration fee alone is 6,000 dollars, bringing us down to 2000. Estimates of what we’ll need to get off the ground vary for mechanical and wiring, but a conservative– meaning pricey– estimate for all of that brings us down a few thousand into the negatives. Accounting for the likely rookie grant, our current financial outlook is about -2000 dollars, though in-season costs mainly consisting of stock and sensors (wires and crimps having been accounted for) will likely bring us down more. If we’re able to get even half a handful of grants, combined with old-fashioned fundraising and maybe even some donations, we’re well on our way to solvency.